The Weekly Top 3 (11.29.2021)
Welcome to The Weekly Top 3 — our look at the top 3 things on our mind here at Alaskans for Sustainable Budgets — for the week of November 29, 2021.
The Weekly Top 3 is a regular weekly segment on The Michael Dukes Show. The Show broadcasts on FacebookLive and via streaming audio from the Show’s website weekdays from 6–8am. I join Michael each week on Tuesday’s show, from 6:20–7am, for a discussion between the two of us about the three issues.
This week our Top 3 issues are these: 1) we outline what we believe HB4003 — what seems to be the House leadership’s leading fiscal bill coming into the next session — really does (2:01); 2) we discuss former Gov Walker’s recent — and highly disappointing — op-ed on the Alaska economy (13:03); and 3) we take a way too early look at the impact Christopher Kurka may have on the Alaska Governor’s race (24:49).
The segment is at the YouTube clip above. For those that prefer the audio version, it is available both on our Spotify and Soundcloud pages. For this and other complete podcasts of The Michael Dukes Show, go to the Show’s Soundcloud page here.