The Weekly Top 3 (4.22.2024)
Putting the fiscal cart before the horse, is Governor Dunleavy ever going to get serious about a fiscal plan & what we learned in our debate about the Cook Inlet options
Welcome to The Weekly Top 3 — our look at the top 3 things on our mind here at Alaskans for Sustainable Budgets — for the week of April 22, 2024.
The Weekly Top 3 is a regular weekly segment on The Michael Dukes Show. The Show broadcasts on Facebook and YouTubeLive as well as via streaming audio from the Show’s website weekdays from 6–8am. I join Michael weekly in the first hour of Tuesday’s show, from 6:10–7am, for a discussion between the two of us about our three issues.
This week, our top 3 issues are these: 1) we explain our significant concerns about the recent passage by House Ways & Means of a bill cutting the state’s corporate income tax rate (2:05); 2) now that it is clear the Governor’s carbon bills aren’t going to produce the revenues he anticipated, we ask when he is going to offer a realistic fiscal plan (19:20); and 3) we discuss what we learned from our debate last week with John Sims of Enstar about Cook Inlet gas (36:29).
The segment is at the YouTube clip above. For those who prefer the audio version, it is available on our Spotify and Soundcloud pages. Go to the Show’s Soundcloud page here for this and other complete podcasts of The Michael Dukes Show.